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Re: Parallel Cables

Apologies if this goes twice, but I origionally sent it at 08:10 this
morning, but it hasn't appeard on the list yet.

That's right Ant, I've got an LCD module, and I plan to install it in the
hallway, as a kind of alarm panel, displaying info as you walk in through
the door.
has the circuit diagram, and although
there are 11 wires in total, 3 of them are for the power, 5v which you
can't get out of the parallel port anyway, and the contrast control.

I was planning on using 2 lots of CAT5, simply because I have the stuff
lying around the house...

There are ways to drive this thing from the serial port, but I want to use
the parallel port if I can because a) The electronics is a lot more
complicated for the serial port, and b) I don't have any spare.

At 18:09 31/07/00 +0100, you wrote:

>Paul Gordon wrote:
> >
> > Also, how could you run a parallel device over CAT5? - CAT5 only
has 8
> > cores, and parallel cables have either 25 or 36. - Not all are
used of
> > course, but I believe you ALWAYS need more than 8, as there are a
> minimum of
> > 8 required for the data bits, plus "some more" for
timing & sync signals
> > etc...
>AIUI, he wants to drive an LCD at the remote end, from a PC parallel
>port, so he's not strictly sending parallel data, just using a couple
>the conductors.
>ant@xxxxxxx                     /\/\      
>ant@xxxxxxx            (`')
>                                  ()
>                       Megawatt Winged Avenger

Stuart Grimshaw
Schoolsnet Ltd                         Special
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e: stuart@xxxxxxx          Developer
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