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Re: DIN modules question

At 12:24 31/07/00 +0100, you wrote:
>light switch. I was looking for a quick win situation to put timer
>control on my lights but it doesn't look like I'm going to get it

Ceiling lights or plug-in lights?  If the former, and there are ceiling
roses, it should be fairly straightforward, if the latter, you're probably
best with a plug-in module.

For ceilings, I'd be inclined to fit a DIN rail box behind the ceiling,
from above if possible, with the module and wiring in it, and then screw
the ceiling rose on to that, making sure you can access the box to replace
a fuse if necessary.

But it seems that the 'complete' approach is to run all the mains cables
back to one central location- which:
1) Probably increases radiated noise from dimmed circuits.
2) Would seem to make X-10 redundant anyway- why send signalling on the
mains if all the controllers are within 6ft of each other?

Still, mine is not to reason why, just to help where I can :-)


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