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Re: Cheap colour camera

>Just reminded me to post this... Makro have a colour camera with mic
>etc. I think it is a Kingston at £39.95

> Probably unrelated, I currently have 2 cameras, both mono, one from
> one Kingston from B&Q.  The Kingston picture quality is _much_
> saturates earlier, gets vertical streaks as it saturates instead of
> white pixels.  The colour one may be better, but try before you buy if
> possible!

I got one of those cameras from Makro this weekend. They are not Kingston
but something like Kingavon (can't remember the exact make, I will check
tonight). I must say I'm very impressed, the picture quality is excellent
and even in bright light does not saturate or get stripy. I would recommend
it. In common with most colour cameras it's night performance is not
brilliant, but with adequate illumination is acceptable.

BTW they were selling like hot cakes ! :-)

Makro were also doing automatic garage door openers for £39 + vat. I was
very tempted but the instructions were not good, and I wasn't sure if it
world work with my traditional up and over garage door. Does anyone else
have experience with fitting these ? I got the impression you may need
additional 'brackets' or hardware to make it work on an up and over door.


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