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Re: Meeting Review Online

On Thu, 13 Jul 2000 10:15:31 +0100, you wrote:

>How many listers are there in the north or northwest? are there enough
>have a Northern meeting?
I'm a bit North of Newcastle.

Can I suggest that we all bid for the location of the meeting?

You could submit the amount of free beer and cheesy crisps to be
provided and trade this off against a home automation project that has
been needing to be done for 3 years, but never quite started. With
enough people turning up I'm sure a bit of wiring wouldn't take long!

The only problem then will be keeping the attendees sober long enough
to start installing the cat 5 ;-)

James Derrick    james@xxxxxxx, Cramlington, Near Newcastle, England
Forwarding Service: jderrick@xxxxxxx
Beyond the Horizon of the place we lived when we were young,
In a World of Magnets and Miracles. Pink Floyd.

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