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Re: Stuart Grimshaw is a secret Elvis fan!!!

At 09:13 04/07/00 +0100, you wrote:
>I'll have you know I have just obtained a Linux CD from a nameless
>person on this list.  Now I just need the courage to put it on a
machine so
>I can see what you guys are all ranting about!

Hope you have fun with it- I've just seen RedHat 6.2 recently, and it's a
much more friendly installation than I've seen before- even at 5.2 it
needed a fair bit of knowledge to figure it out if it hiccuped...

>I think I want to do this just because "I can".  I also think
 that once I
>have done it I will be struggling to find uses for it (apart from

Depends what you want it for- if you just want to run Windows applications
and/or games, probably best sticking with Windows, if you want something
more reliable and _very_ configurable, Linux will win.  You'll also learn
alot about how your computer works, if that doesn't appeal, stick to

Windows is like a B&Q wireless burglar alarm- nice packaging, easy to
install, works most of the time, but maybe not when you most need it, Linux
is a bit more like Comfort- plain brown box, loads of manuals, basically
works out of the box but allows you to modify just about anything to suit
you, and any broken bits get fixed, fast, sometimes before you've even
noticed they were broken.  There, a nice HA analogy :-)

I started with it as a 'toy', but it's all I use at home now, as StarOffice
fills in the remaining gap, which was a good Windowsy word processor... and
I've just installed a linux box at work, as a webserver

Finally, if I had a 24x7 'net account at home, I'd be very wary about
putting a Windows machine on the end of it- having been at the receiving
end of attempted hacks on the webserver in the few weeks that it's been
running, before the address was even publicly announced, it's nice to be
able to look at what's _really_ happening!

PS Are any folk on here using MisterHouse, ?  I
think someone posted about it a while ago- how is it to use?


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