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Re: Occupancy Sensors - Bik 'People Detector'

At 11:54 23/06/00 +0100, you wrote:
>Occupancy sensing for light triggerring with Comfort is something we
>asked quite regularly, PIR's are just not clever enough at this.

One other idea- pressure sensing.  If someone is motionless in a room,
they'll probably be on the furniture (not standing up)- piezo sensors (no,
not ye olde fashioned pressure mats!), under one leg of each chair, should
do the trick.  Yes, they would need moving when you change the furniture,
but that's probably easier than antenna realignment... not so useful in a
dining room where chairs are moved more often, but then there's probably
more movement in a dining room anyway...

I'd thought of these for the bed, to try to reduce the number of times I
manage to turn the alarm off without even being aware of it- big button by
the bed, if you press it and the bed is empty, the alarm stops, otherwise
it just 'snoozes' for X minutes.

Just a thought, selflessly donated to the public domain, in case someone's
got time to develop it before I do! :-)

And yes, it won't help if you are lying on the floor watching TV...


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