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**** Virus Warning **** was RE: Pronto control of PC via TV

Ok folks,

I'm really sorry about this one. Looks like I cocked up big time. It
appears that my brother-in-law sent a message to my wife which contained
the Happy99 virus. Unfortuneately I haven't trained her well enough and she
ran the program - This caused my PC to become infected and as a consequence
I may have passed it on to some of you via email. I have no excuse, and
should not have allowed it to happen. However, it's a little late for that,
but please accept my appologies. I would advise you all to scan your
systems to ensure that I have not 'infected you' with this virus.

Sorry again,



is anyone aware of a good Mail scaning virus checker - I use Mdaemon
mailserver so if it can integrate with that it'd be great..

--- Tag-it V1.0 (c) Andy Powell 1998
All generalizations are false.

--- Tag-it V1.0 (c) Andy Powell 1998
Those who say that money can't buy happiness don't know where to shop. - My
wife (Okay, so she wasn't the first - but she has said it enough times that
it more than makes up for not being the first).

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