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RE: Interactive Taboo TV Channel Guide ----with Maps !!

>One thing I dont understand though....what good is a map that shows
>in the wrong place?

Well obviously maps, like most products, are now just produced for the
benefit of lawyers and financiers to make money over, not for their
somewhat outdated original use, which was apparently to 'verify one's
location or route'... where's the profit in that?!?!?!?

AIUI (and I can't claim to have read up on it greatly), the errors are
considered trivial and non-critical to navigation, perhaps a misspelling
(sp?) of the name of an obscure local feature, or a small offset in a road
position (and maybe a repositioned TV transmitter), not things like
removing roads or moving towns...

>No wonder I cant find the buried treasure.

That's not the OS, it's the bloomin' leprechauns...

Nigel (really pushing the limits for OffTopic posting to ukha_d these
days... sorry!)

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