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Re: Camcorder/scart info please

At 23:26 14/06/00 +0100, you wrote:
>The camcorder was dropped and now fails to power up at all. Any ideas
>gratefully received.

On visual inspection only (obviously if you've got a multimeter you can try
to follow the power around, check switches are switching etc!), look for
heavy components (capacitors, switches etc) mounted on PCBs, look at the
solder joints through a magnifier and wiggle the components, to see if
there are broken solder joints.  If a battery or AC adaptor lead was
connected, I'd be looking at those contacts _very_ carefully.

Also, wiggle PCBs to see if there are any broken boards, sometimes they can
look intact until you move them.

Find the load/unload motor and turn it manually to 'eject' and then
'reload', in case a switch has got stuck, that sometimes frees it.

Electronic components are generally quite resilient to impact, so the fault
is more than likely to be visible mechanical damage, or invisible damage to
a mechanical part (either a switch, or some lever or cog which is needed on
power up).

And have a look at for more
hints- a very useful
place to bookmark.

Camcorders can be tricky to fix though, just because everything is so
crammed in- after the first couple of springs have gone whistling past your
ear, it's usually a good time to give up...


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