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Re: x10 over three phase

At 15:16 05/03/99, you wrote:
>separate circuits with their own circuit breakers.  I must say that
>45A for a shower is A LOT!!  If you don't like paying your electricity
>bill I suggest you take your showers really quick :-).  But that's
>probably only a peak requirement such as when the unit is starting up.

I would expect not- 45A at 230V is 10.35kW.  10.8kW showers are not
uncommon, particularly among those who frequent hotels and are aiming for
the same sort of 'fire hydrant' shower experience... at about 7p per kWh, a
10 minute shower would cost about 12p

>I think it'll need a particularly heavy cable running from the consumer
>unit to the shower.

10 to 16mm^2 T&E, depending on the cable route (insulation, local
etc etc)

>  I think there is also an IEE regulation that says
>you have to have a cut-out switch in an adjacent room.

Never seen that one before- you might be thinking of extractor fans?  And
it should really be in the same room, out of reach, unless it can be locked
off in some way.

>You could
>be in for a lot of wall chasing :-(.

He said he had an electrician- he could be in for a lot of decorating ;-)

While I'm here... Mark Harrison wrote re: 3-phase:

>We did this for a home automation job.

>At the last count the client (who for a number of years had been a
>professional lighting designer)had 128 centrally controllable lighting
>channel put into a 3 bedroom cottage.

Lampies don't count- they _always_ need 3-phase.

>The normal house was on the third.

Including shower?  Mind you, my experience of fellow lighting designers
sometimes was that they would prefer illumination to hygiene ;-)


>> assuming you survive.

>Very unlikely, I'm afraid.

I did, which is why I could be authoritative- the joining was in some other
wiring, but I was the one who got to turn the breakers on- cue bright flash
from behind the panel... as I said, it's something you are _extra_ careful
about once it happens... I was referring to surviving the resulting sparks
and molten metal, rather than a direct shock.

Nigel Orr                  Research Associate   O   ______
Underwater Acoustics Group,              o / o    \_/(
Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering     (_   <   _ (
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne             \______/ \(

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