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Re: Twin co-ax outlets

At 15:03 17/02/99 -0000, you wrote:
>The socket I was using is a twin outlet from Maplins.

What order code?

> If I just connect one of my cables it works fine. If I bring the other
cable near to the
>connecting block the interference starts, even though it is not

OK, that doesn't suggest it's going to be easy to sort... options that
spring to mind are to
a) Make off the connections as well shielded as possible- is it possible to
solder the braid round the shield of the connector, or is it stuck to being
connected at one point only?
b) Fit a shield on the back of the plate to try to isolate the 2 cables
c) Tune the decoders to different RF outputs frequency (I would expect that
they will have, either in software, or as a trim-pot on the back/base, an
RF output channel adjustment (might be labelled something helpful like
"31-40" or "21-68".))

If that fails, I guess you just have to have separate plates in shielded

>seperate sources! Well what is the point of a twin outlet that must
the same source!

2 Aerial outlets, one for VCR, one for TV.  And no, I don't know why people
don't just daisychain them either...
Nigel Orr                  Research Associate   O   ______
Underwater Acoustics Group,              o / o    \_/(
Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering     (_   <   _ (
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne             \______/ \(

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