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Re: Twin co-ax outlets

The socket I was using is a twin outlet from Maplins. If I just connect one
of my cables it works fine. If I bring the other cable near to the
connecting block the interference starts, even though it is not touching.
It seems to be the cable ends being near each other that causes the
problem. I went into B+Q to see what outlets they had and noticed in small
print on the back of the box that they were unsuitable for seperate
sources! Well what is the point of a twin outlet that must have the same

> >I have two cables running from two different cable TV decoders.
They both
> output the cable
> >channel on the same frequency. I want to plug different devices
into them
> (TV in one and video
> >in the other) so I can watch one cable channel and record a
different one.
> >What I get on the screen is BOTH cable channels at the same time
in my
> technical terms that
> That _doesn't_ sound right.  If anything, with a _very_ poorly made
> connection, you might get a _tiny_ hint of what is on the other
channel at
> the same time, but even that should be unlikely.
> What sort of outlet is it?  Where did you get it, what is the order
> etc?  If it is 2 separate sockets on a plate, there should be no
> if it is 2 sockets with common grounds on a metal plate, I could see
> there _might_ be a problem, but unlikely (ie only if you had managed
> swap signal and screen connections at some point in the cable.  I
> from your problem that they are interconnected in some way, but
> knowing the specific make and model, it's hard to tell.
> A well made connection should be no worse than running 2 co-ax cables
> alongside each other, in this sort of application.
> Nigel

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