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Re: DIY Touch Screen

  • To: "UKHA_D (E-mail)" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: DIY Touch Screen
  • From: Steve Morgan <steve@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 23:17:44 +0100
  • Delivered-to: listsaver-egroups-ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

A possible alternative to my own suggestion!....

offer a clip-on touch screen kit for 13-15" monitors for =A3199 + VAT
or a
17" version for =A3249 + VAT

Still like to see if we could do something cheaper though.


>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Steve Morgan =20
> Sent:	Saturday, July 24, 1999 10:55 PM
> To:	UKHA_D (E-mail)
> Subject:	DIY Touch Screen
> Folks,
> Continuing the monitor theme, has anyone got any thoughts on
> constructing a touch screen to retrofit to a standard (CRT or LCD)
> monitor.
> I'm sure I've seen before units that use an array of infra-red
> emitter/receiver pairs but I've got no idea where.
> So the question is, what's the scope for coming up with our own?
> The idea is this... a bezel that fits on the front of an existing
> monitor with a row of IR LED's along X & Y axes with corresponding
> photodiodes opposite (say, 16x16 giving 256 crosspoints). If you can
> minimise the spread from the emitters, I would have thought that a
> fairly simple microcontroller-based module could handle the scanning.
> The thing I'm not sure about is that issue of minimising the spread.
> An IR LED has a spread of about 60 degrees, if I remember rightly.
> Thus I would expect to several photodiodes to detect the signal from
> each of the emitters. How about simply recessing the emitters? If a
> different modulation where used for each emitter/receiver pair, would
> that help? What about reflections?
> Any ideas, suggestions, other issues?
> I quite like the idea of bits of 2x2" timber glued to the front
of =
> my monitors!!
> Steve

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