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Re: CAT 5 for new-build --- how many per room?

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: CAT 5 for new-build --- how many per room?
  • From: "Dr John Tankard" <jtankard@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 17:54:00 +0100
  • Delivered-to: listsaver-egroups-ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> > full depth 'cooker boxes'
> Are these the 47mm ones?  That's what I have used.


> > If you have not used deep boxes you can get angled outlet
> > which means you don't have to bend the cable.
> There are other considerations for most people that require bends
> somewhere
> in the routing (conduits etc).

I agree, but we are not talking about hosepipe, I have put a lot into my
renovation and not had any problem, perhaps that is a bit of a exaggeration
I have had to take my time over the connectors in the wall skts as I did
want to damage the cable, but you have a similar problem with CT100

> > The price difference is about 20% more for CT125 over CT100 but
> performs about 30 - 40 %
> > better.
> Where do you get these figures from John?

I cannot remember, a cable data sheet set but I am not sure which company.
However I have just looked up in RS and Farnell. at 1000Mhz CT125 16.7dB
CT100 21.0dB which is about 30% depending on how you look at it, but
remember when we are talking in dB's it is a logarithmic scale so the
attenuation is quite large by comparison. Before you come back on my choice
of 1000Mhz, I picked it because it test the cable to its limits,
incidentally CT167 is 12.8dB

> > I agree that with digital the loss is less of an issue but I
> > prefer to have extra bandwidth available.
> I got CT100 over RG6 so that I would have this extra bandwidth.
RG6 used to be the cable to go with, but the minimum recommendation for
digital satellite is CT100, these cables were designed specifically for
task. I just prefer to have a bit extra up my sleeve ;-) Remember if I do
have any problems perhaps a small kink in the cable I already have much
lower loses

Best Regards


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