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Re: Bush Internet Surf Set

> I set everything for my fixed rate ISP (v21) but the connection just
> refuses to work. The number is dialled, connection appears to be made
> but verification fails after a few seconds. I have double checked my
> username and password and other settings and everything seems to be

I'm with (which is the bare-bones v21 service) and at around
8pm last night I couldn't get a connection (would 'verify username and
password' and just timeout) either. Could it be that you just experimented
at the wrong time of day? I hope it is, cause I ordered one as well...

> The only fields I am not sure about are the DNS settings for which I
> using the DNS servers of another ISP, but I can't see that being a
> problem and the Dial Script setting. Now it does seem quite possible
> that the dial script setting is causing the problem, but I have no
> how to go about determining the correct settings.

Can you leave the DNS server entries blank, or some other settings so it
defaults to 'autodetect'? This dial-up script, what does it look like?

> So at the moment this remains a cheap toy with pay-as-you-go
> crap screen resolution and brain numbing sloth. Also I haven't yet
> spotted how to get my 10 quid back from Toys-R-Us.

Isn't there a voucher in the box? Or do you get it by registering the set
top box at the 'homepage'?


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