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Cheap cctv, cameras in B&Q and Makro are about £20 mark. The only problem is they are not so good in the low light 1 maybe 2 lux rated. Additionally I was looking at the Micromark cameras in B& Q and noticed the field of vision appears to be very narrow. The sound on most of the cameras I've tried is SUPERB and worth as much as the picture itself...especially when a name isa mentioned about 30 yards away from the camera and it is picked up clear as day...If necessary it can confirm the police have the picked up the right guy....
The video controller put in the neighbours is the Response unit and does work well especially in conjunstion with an automatic switcher for 4 cams.
Remeber colour is great , but at night it will be black unless well lit and may even be poor with reasonable lights. B&W is definitely the way to go, can be view clearly with minimal lights (0.5 lux).
PS Apologies to all for not getting involved with the recent cctv discussions, but I've little time at the moment.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 6:38 PM
Subject: [ukha_d] CCTV

just scanning back through unread messages & spotted a site doing cheap CCTV stuff. Mainly for around the £30 mark.
Was thinking of hooking up a couple of motion sensitive cameras to some sort of capture system. I have an old video that could serve, the sounds gone, but picture is fine) & they sell  a video controller that might do this, though only seems to work with lower quality cameras. The alternative is to use a PC. Not sure how I'd interface the motion sensors on the camera though.
Any thoughts??

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  • References:
    • CCTV
      • From: "Aidan Williamson" <fluff@xxxxxxx>
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