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RE: Spot BT Master Socket?

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Spot BT Master Socket?
  • From: "Keith Doxey" <ukha@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 20:42:56 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Title: Message
If the installation is after the mid-eighties there will be a "Linebox" or NTE5 to give it its proper name. This is the demarcation point between BT and the customer and is identified by a split faceplate. The lower half is removeable and the customer can connect their own wiring to it. The rear part should not be removed or have connections made to it by anyone other than BT.
All other sockets should be Secondary sockets, these have no components inside other than the socket and the connectors. If you dont have a Linebox (NTE5) then one of the sockets will be a "Master". A true master socket will contain 3 additiona components, a 470k resistor, a 1u8f capacitor and a gas discharge tube. If there is only a Capacitor then it is a PBX master.
The lack of a linebox indicates that it is either a very early PST (Plug & Socket Telephone) conversion or a DIY conversion. Giveaways of a DIY conversion are either a PBX master or sockets with screw terminals and no BT logo or multiple Master sockets. All BT sockets are IDC and have a logo.
The Linebox/Master should be the first socket in the chain although it will work with it in any position. For ADSL or Home Highway, the line must first go to the Linebox without any other connection on the Line site of the termination point. The BT guy will sort out where it needs to be put. When treated politely they are a freindly breed. If you specifically want it in a certain place and a "spare" telephone cable was to exist from the point of entry to where the unit was required it may get used but I couldnt guarantee it.
Dont ask if he would like tea...... just "How many sugars & what buscuits would you prefer"  :-)
I once adopted "unfreindly" mode when the first words spoken to me were ..." I want a new phone". The fault really needed a new phone and ordinarily I would have changed it straight away but due to the obnoxious nature of the person in question I replaced almost every part in it to give a fully functional phone but still in the original scruffy case :-)
Hi all,

Is there a surefire way to spot which telephone socket is
the 'master'? I'm thinking about getting ADSL but embarassingly don't
know which socket is which...



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