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Re: NTL Broadband queries

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: NTL Broadband queries
  • From: john.benfield@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 10:06:51 +0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

>* What cable comes into the premises? (is it CT100?)

Don't know. The guy just installed it and I left him alone.

>* Where does it terminate? - i.e. is there an NTL wall box that it goes
>first (like the B.T. Home Highway box), or does it go straight to the
>set-top box?

In my case they just terminate the cable with the normal cable terminator.
This then attaches directly to the cable modem. I asked for plenty of extra
cable so that I can move things around a bit.

My main problem was that he tested the line and put a attenuator to reduce
the signal strength to the correct levels. For the next two weeks I didn't
get a solid connection. NTL customer server where totally crap and wouldn't
come around on a Saturday to fix the fault. In the end I took the
attenuator off and it's worked ever since!

The only problem that I've had with the modem is via the USB connection. I
always turn all of my equipment off at the mains. When turning back on you
need to wait until the modem has gone on-line before turn the computer on.
I've now moved to the ethernet connection and don't have to do this

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