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RE: Sky''s the limit :-(

  • Subject: RE: Sky''s the limit :-(
  • From: BUTLER, Tony, FM
  • Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:09:00 +0000


My setup is as follows:

Panasonic Sky box ---SCART--- Yamaha DSPA-3090 amp (svideo connection) ---
Svideo ---- Philips 32" TV.
I broke the connection between the sky box & the amp and inserted
the TX/RX
units there.
The TV just blue screened, indicative of no signal present.

I can't connect the TV directly to the SKY box as they are in different
rooms of the house, but I can't see the amp causing any problems between

I conencted the sky box directly to a flat panel LCD & no joy there
but in fairness, I have never connected anything other than a PC to it, so
can't say for definite that I had the LCD configured correctly. I'll have a
go tonight connecting the DVD to the LCD just to be sure that it does
function as it should, then try the SKY box again. I suspect though that it
will still not work :-(

If the KAT5 modules faithfully reproduce the original signal, then surely
the sky box should always produce a piccie on the TV or always _not_
one on the TV regardless of the presence of the KAT5 units?

Regarding modifying the units to alter the termination: It would need to
work for all sources, not just the Sky box as I want to use the amp to
switch sources and take a feed from the amp to the Tx unit.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keith Doxey [mailto:<a
> Sent: 21 January 2002 22:24
> To: <a
> Subject: RE: [KAT5] Sky's the limit :-(
> Hi Tony,
> Macrovision shouldnt make a scrap of difference.
> My DVD player isnt modified and DVD works fine on mine. So
> does my Digibox.
> The very first KAT5 prototype (it wasnt even called KAT5
> then) was tested
> using a Digibox.
> What model of Digibox do you have ? Pace/Panasonic/Amstrad/Grundig etc
> The 75 ohm termination in KAT5 is after a capacitor. I have
> had one case of
> a Sony TV not liking that. In that case it was solved by
> fitting a 75ohm
> resistor in the SCART lead feeding the transmitter.
> If you have any form of SCART adapter box that will connect 2
> devices to a
> single output, try connecting the Digibox directly to a TV
> and the KAT5
> transmitter at the same time.
> One other thought, was the digibox connected to 2 things at
> once, if so, the
> video level will drop and it could be below the standard
> signal levels. If
> the TV connected to the receiver has some form of picture
> muting eg Blue
> Screen or Black Screen, that may be cutting in and causing the loss of
> picture.
> Normally domestic AV equipment is quite forgiving of improper
> levels which
> is a pity as it means a lot of kit on sale does not generate
> the correct
> signals or present the proper terminations which can lead to
> the types of
> problems you describe.
> Sadly, with the exception of DVD players, domestic AV kit is
> not designed
> for connection to more than one device at once without the
> use of splitters.
> If you wish to connect your Digibox direct to your main TV and a KAT5
> transmitter I can supply you with details of a slight mod to
> retain the
> correct termination.
> KAT5 faithfully reproduces the signal that it input to it. If
> it is too high
> the output will be too high, if it is too low the output will
> be too low.
> For a correctly specified signal it will be perfect.
> Let me know how you get on.
> Keith
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tefxp [mailto:<a
> Sent: 21 January 2002 22:04
> To: <a
> Subject: [KAT5] Sky's the limit :-(
> Received my first KAT-5 modules today - just yer standard
> svideo/audio set - connected them to DVD player &amp; did an A/B
> comparison between that &amp; straight DVD connection - Wow! There
> so little difference between the two!
> I was mightily impressed indeed!
> Connected to my video - no probs.
> Connected to my SKY Digital box - doh! No picture :-(
> It flashes up very quickly occasionally -seems to be having trouble
> locking on I guess - is this Macrovision kicking in? And is there
> any way around it??? My DVD is hacked so Macrovision is disabled
> anyway on that, so just guessing about the Sky box.
> Any ideas anyone?? Keith????
> It will be a tad annoying if this can't be sorted, as sending SKY to
> the bedroom telly was going to be my first project rather than using
> crappy RF distribution as is the case @ the mo.
> Still, plenty of other uses for the units, but still - SKY would be
> nice.
> Once again, top quality piccies Keith!
> cheers,
> Tony
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