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Sky''s the limit :-(

  • Subject: Sky''s the limit :-(
  • From: tefxp
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 22:04:00 +0000

Received my first KAT-5 modules today - just yer standard
svideo/audio set - connected them to DVD player & did an A/B
comparison between that & straight DVD connection - Wow! There is
so little difference between the two!

I was mightily impressed indeed!

Connected to my video - no probs.

Connected to my SKY Digital box - doh! No picture :-(

It flashes up very quickly occasionally -seems to be having trouble
locking on I guess - is this Macrovision kicking in? And is there
any way around it??? My DVD is hacked so Macrovision is disabled
anyway on that, so just guessing about the Sky box.

Any ideas anyone?? Keith????

It will be a tad annoying if this can't be sorted, as sending SKY to
the bedroom telly was going to be my first project rather than using
crappy RF distribution as is the case @ the mo.

Still, plenty of other uses for the units, but still - SKY would be

Once again, top quality piccies Keith!



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